This page contains links to other websites and articles having to do with disabilities, independent living, traumatic brain injuries, and more. Please click on the blue heading to see the link that will carry you to the appropriate website.
Unmasking Brain Injury article. TN Council on Developmental Disabilities, 2018/2019 Annual Arts Issue. This publication includes an article on the Unmasking Brain Injury Project and features art work by and photos of our Hosanna residents.
US Dept. of Health Administration for Community Living This site is a great first stop in your search for information.
What is independent living? This is a great article from the Special Needs Alliance website.
Special Needs Alliance Located in Tucson, Arizona, The Special Needs Alliance is a national, non-profit organization committed to helping individuals with disabilities, their families and the professionals who serve them, including such areas as public benefits, guardianships/ conservatorships, planning for disabilities and special education issues.
Siskin Rehabilitation Hospital, a Chattanooga institution, Siskin is not only a wonderful facility for physical rehabilitation, but it is also the home to Community Re-entry Services, providing life-skills and job training to individuals with disabilities.
Chattanooga Area Brain Injury Association The Chattanooga Area Brain Injury Association (CABIA) has a wealth of information to offer brain injury survivors and their families, including general information about brain injuries and issues related to the adjustments that often need to be made throughout the brain injury survivor’s recovery. It provides referrals to qualified services, and can assist individuals to apply for things such as insurance, housing, and transportation.
Brain Injury Association of Tennessee Its mission is to educate and support brain injury survivors, their families, and their caregivers.
Disability Achievement Center Largo, Florida is home to The Disability Achievement Center, a not for profit private organization serving people with all types of disabilities and their families at all stages of life. Their goal is to help you live, learn, work and play as independently as you choose.
Therapeutic Recreation – The Therapeutic Recreation Division of the Chattanooga YFD Department seeks to provide leisure and recreation opportunities for citizens of all abilities. It serves both youth and adults with physical, cognitive, and/or emotional disabilities. Through its programs, education and advocacy, individuals can build confidence, improve physical and cognitive abilities, expand support and social networks; and enhance overall quality of life.
Tri-State Resource and Advocacy Corp. Located in Chattanooga, TN, TRAC is a Center for Independent Living created by individuals with disabilities for people with disabilities. It’s mission is to provide and enhance opportunities for individuals with disabilities to lead full and independent lives. Independent living means that individuals with disabilities are seeking the same choices and control throughout everyday life that people without disabilities have.
TARP Center for Independent Living Located in Paris, TN, TARP is an IRS 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization registered with the State of Tennessee. TARP is an acronym for Training, Advocacy, Referral and Peer Support.
disABILITY Resource Center The Disability Resource Center (dRC) is a Center for Independent Living (CIL). Located in Knoxville, TN, it is a community-based non-residential program of services. It is designed to assist people with disabilities to attain independent lives. Individuals are supported in the creation of their own practical plan for independent and meaningful lives based on their priorities, goals, and needs.
Empower TN Nashville, TN is home to EmpowerTN, whose mission is to advance independence within the disabled community. It is a Center for Independent Living.
Jackson Center for Independent Living Located in Jackson, TN the Jackson Center for Independent Living is a community based, nonresidential, consumer controlled program of services designed to enable persons with disabilities to achieve maximum independence and fully participate in all aspects of community life.
Employment Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities – The organization is a comprehensive career resource with a mission to help students and aspiring professionals understand what it takes to land their perfect career. “A disability, whether physical or mental, should not limit anyone’s career aspirations or job prospects.” This site will help you learn about navigating the path to employment as a person with a disability, and find how to evaluate an employer’s standards of accessibility, accommodation and acceptance in order to find the right career fit. Check it out at
Career guide for college students with disabilities: